About the Homespun Haints podcast

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Ghost Stories?

Because everyone loves a good one, and personal experiences, whether deliberately hunted down or occurring on accident, always bring extra shivers to the spine.

How can I get involved?

The first thing to do is to listen to the Homespun Haints podcast, and see if you like what we’re doing. If so, there are ways you can join the Homespun Haints community.

Subscribe to the podcast

Our community will grow with your help, and the first step is to subscribe, and tell your friends about the stories you hear.

Submit your own story

We are looking for personal stories that are well told and are scary as hell. We don’t want to hear about something that happened to your aunt’s neighbor’s cat. We want to hear about your experiences from your point of view. We want to have the shit scared out of us. And, we want you to tell it in such a way that it is a work of art. Review submission guidelines and submit your story here.

Share your experiences on Instagram

Use #homespunhaints to share, well, anything related to your ghost story. That weird shadow you got a photo of, your experiences recording your submissions, or how you felt after an episode. We love it all! And be sure to follow our Insta account @homespunhaints.

Conduct your own investigations

Hear something on the show that makes you hunger for more? We are willing to share any story that meets with our guidelines, and we leave it up to you to decide if you believe it or not. We encourage followup investigations of stories told on the show, whether it be historical research, physical investigations (only of places you have legal access to, please), or good old-fashioned deductive reasoning. Any evidence you uncover can be submitted using the same submission form. Please include “Followup investigation” in the subject line with the episode number.