Diana Doty
Besides co-hosting the funniest first-hand ghost story podcast ever, Diana enjoys learning new languages, reading about science, eating adventurously, and travelling uncomfortably. She hosts soirees where she dazzles guests with exotic fruits, trashy goth music from the 90's, and filthy-yet-intellectual party games. Although she has 2 advanced degrees, she works hard to be the opposite of bougie: she lives in a van down by the river (occasionally), shops at thrift stores (mostly), and eats bugs (somewhat intentionally). She thinks the world could be much improved by eliminating single-use plastics and squirrels. Having inherited both a logical skepticism from her Vulcan mathematician father and a willingness to believe anything from her fairy energy healer mother, Diana doesn't know exactly what she believes about ghosts, and is ok with that.
Blog posts by diana:
Danielle shares some spooky first-hand paranormal experiences from her childhood home in central Arkansas
More >Angela Hartshorn of My Haunted Life tells us chilling personal paranormal stories.
More >We revisit the odd nature of the hauntings at the famous Sorrell-Weed House in Savannah, GA, from the perspective of a person quite sensitive to spirits and energies
More >Katharine’s parent’s house is haunted by a mischieveous little girl, her grandpa, and…legs?!
More >Diane, paranormal investigator of Basin Park Hotel in Eureka Springs, is too focused on work to notice the cowboy ghost right behind her.
More >A shape-shifting pterodactyl-demon followed The Southern Ghost Girls home from an investigation.
More >During a moment of hysterical creativity within chronic depression, Cat scrawled an idea for a self-help Poe biography on a napkin.
More >Co-host Diana tells yet another story about her haunted bathroom’s portals, but this time, she’s actually got a glimpse inside the matrix.
More >Author Kerrie Erwin of Sydney, Australia, guides us though how to release earthbound spirits and banish shadow people.
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