The Drum Circle for Haunted Brothels
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“No one makes it through the night,” the bartender told Allison when she won the chance to spend the night in a haunted speakeasy and brothel as part of a charity auction. Determined to make it until morning, Allison gradually realized what the ghosts were trying to communicate—and how much power she had to change their afterlives.
Episode Summary: Ghost Communication in a Haunted Brothel
Have you ever caught the ghost hunting bug? Do you seek out paranormal experiences just for the thrill of it? And do you drag your reluctant friends along for the ride?
Allison caught the bug after appearing on our show two years ago. Now she seeks out experiences in very, very haunted places, and has discovered her own unique way to connect to and communicate with the spirits there.
About Today’s Guest, Allison

When we interviewed Allison a couple years ago, she reassured us she didn’t go seeking out all those haunted places in Chicago, or any of the spooky experiences she shared. She’s just a ghost magnet. Well, Hainted Loves, that has since changed quite a bit.
Allison has decided to put her natural ghost communication abilities to good use, and start ghost hunting. Even on a simple ghost tour, the group instantly identifies her as the “ghost girl” in the crowd.
She’s been recently published, and has some up and coming writing being published soon.
Haunted Places In Wisconsin and Illinois Mentioned in this Episode
- Shakers Cigar Bar in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Allison and her friend spent the night. This haunted former brothel made an appearance on Episode 3 of Netflix’s Dark Tourist. Apparently, this place is so haunted that only 10% of overnight visitors make it through the night. Also, ghost tour participants must sign an indemnification releasing the establishment from responsibility for “death or psychic calamity.” Allison’s story about the Shakers ghost tour reminded Diana of when she visited one of the most haunted places in Deadwood, South Dakota, which was also a former brothel. Why do you think the energy is so intense, active, and cold in these types of places?
- Sheboygan Insane Asylum, in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. This is where Allison’s friend had a successful polite conversation with a ghost, communicating through a light-up cat ball. Allison reassures us this creepy haunted location is full of shadow figures.
- Jericho High School
- Tinker Swiss Cottage in Rockford, IL. With the octagonal library, haunted by the Tinker family that built it.
Allison & Co took some creepy paranormal photos at a few of these locations.

Al Capone Connection
Was Allison’s grandfather a personal chef to Al Capone? This juicy bit of family lore certainly seemed to match all the long black sedans that showed up at Grandpa’s funeral. Do you think The Politicians at Shaker’s Cigar Bar were so open to speaking with Allison because of this connection to their purported boss? After all, their spirits were apparently reticent to communicate with anyone else. Since Capone once owned the building, and ran the speakeasy and brothel within, could the earthbound spirits trapped in that haunted location from that era sense her family’s connection to The Family?
Tips for Ghost Communication with Exasperated Spirits
Allison hears ghosts sighing and scoffing during her paranormal investigations. Which really isn’t surprising, considering the types of boring, repetitive things ghost hunters tend to talk about with ghosts. She and her friends have had great results getting two-way spirit communication by following a simple rule: talk to the ghosts as if they were people. She’d rather hear a ghost’s story than get their name. She advises us to ask enticing personal questions, and always treat the ghosts with respect.
We’ll have to be sure to remember her tips when we host our live event this month, where we open the secret passageway in Diana’s haunted basement.
The number one rule of ghost hunting
The number one rule of ghost hunting and ghost communication is never leave anyone alone. The number two rule is, there’s always that one friend who talks everyone into going. And that one friend is usually Allison. She’s recruiting ghost hunting buddies who are also excited to have respectful communication with spirits in scary haunted locations around Chicago and Milwaukee. Head over to our Facebook Group to see if you might make a haint connection. Allison, for one, is thankful that she came on the Homespun Haints Podcast, as it awakened the ghost hunter within her. Since the last time we spoke, it’s been one, long, spooky day.