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Have you ever felt like someone is by your side, every hour, every day, protecting you and helping you out, even if you cannot see or hear her? How would this someone help you out if you moved into an apartment where a former resident never actually moved out?

Today, on Homespun Haints, we talk to Jennifer, whose guardian angel keeps dangers, and a somewhat angry spirit, at bay.

Episode Show Notes

Jennifer once caught what looks like a green orb on film while she was visiting Japan. In a succession of photos, you can see the green light moving around her.

The hot springs hotel in Taiwan

The hotel Jennifer discusses in Taiwan, owned in the past by her grandmother, is still in operation. You can visit their Facebook page here if you are interested in seeing some photos.

Learn more about the village of Beitou, home to the hot springs that supported the hotel.

Who is John Holland?

Jennifer goes to meet the medium John Holland and discusses her interaction with him in the episode. Watch John Holland in action in this A&E special.

Trapper Keepers

Remember these beauties?

Thanks for listening, and please let us know what you think of the episode in the discussion on our Facebook group.

Until next time, have a spooky day!


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