Raised by Demons
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In Greek mythology, Echo is a mountain nymph who incurred the wrath of the goddess Hera. Our guest shares her name, yet unlike the nymph Echo, our guest was raised by demons in the attic of a dilapidated home and has incurred the favor of Lilith.
Listen tot he episode here:
Ghost Stories and Greek Mythology
Echo hasn’t gotten any sleep at the house she’s housesitting because of a smoke detector that only goes off at night. The home’s owner has just replaced the detector’s batteries in hopes of fixing the problem, but the alarm continues to go off—starting at 2 a.m. each night.
Ghosts caught on video
Here, Echo films the detector and catches an orb on the camera. Can you see it?
Echo then starts looking for the culprit of the smoke detector malfunction, and wanders into the dark basement. Look closely at the film—can you see Echo’s reflection in the sliding glass door? Is anything else amiss?
In another house, Echo is disturbed by a stove that clicks and shoots blue sparks—even after it’s been unplugged. It is common for gas stoves to make noises like this while off, but they shouldn’t be doing it if they haven’t been used for weeks, or if they are completely unplugged. What do you think is going on?
In the same home, Echo gets a light fixture to flicker on and off at her command. Check out the video below and let us know what you think is going on:
Can you sell your child’s soul?
Selling your baby’s soul to the devil sounds like a great plot for a TV show. And, actually, it is! Have you seen Reaper?
If not, be sure to check it out. It’s quite funny! We highly recommend binging it while you’re holed up at home.
Can a gnome be demonic?
Echo’s got a pretty freaky looking gnome that we just love. Here’s a picture:

More Spooky Gnome Pictures
We asked some members of our group to send us their gnome pics and we got some interesting answers.
Kelli Rule, an artist in Washougal, WA, shared an image from her Gnome series. This gnome isn’t demonic; he’s just grieving:

This is the gnome in Becky’s garden:

Got your own spooky gnome pic to share? Please submit it the same way you’d submit your story, and we’ll add it to this collection!
Until next time, have a spooky day!