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Eric, A.K.A. Ghost Hunter of South Florida, shares his journey from skeptical nonbeliever to skeptical paranormal investigator.

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Episode Summary of The Ghost Hunter of South Florida

Paranormal investigators use countless tools and devices to capture impressions from the other side. Us mere mortals usually can’t perceive this faint evidence with our regular five senses. But lore tells us that the more we expose ourselves to ghosts, the more we develop our ability to see them. So, does that mean if you regularly investigate haunted locations, you may start seeing more with your eyes than with your recording devices?

Today, on Homespun Haints, we sit down with paranormal investigator Eric, the Ghost Hunter of South Florida. We chatted about some of the things he has experienced while on his myriad investigations. Pour yourself a nice, hot cup of cocoa, cause this episode might give you the chills.

Episode Promos

This week’s podcast promo is for The West London Witch. We were guests on her show and it was a delight, but we really enjoy listening to her podcast as well!

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Show Notes from The Ghost Hunter of South Florida

About Eric

Eric, Ghost Hunter of South Florida.
The Ghost Hunter of South Florida, locked, loaded and ready to catch some EVPs.

Eric goes by The Ghost Hunter of South Florida, but that’s not all. Eric helped to found the company Ghostly Experiences, Inc. According to their website, the vision of Ghostly Experiences, Inc. is two-fold. One, to bring ghost hunting into the main stream and give the public an opportunity to search for answers. Two, to teach and share their decades of experience in the paranormal field. Their aim is to teach civilians how to conduct a proper and honest investigation. They hope to bolster the reputation of the entire field of paranormal research by promoting evidence-based ghost hunting.

You can follow Eric on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. War Party Paranormal, is also on FB and IG. Eric works at the nonprofit with his buddy Joe, who helps people with haunted homes get answers. War Party is also featured regularly on Univision paranormal shows. Eric has investigated with our friends Karly of the Haunted Housewives. He has also worked with Stephanie of Stephanie Marie Marketing, and Kat from The Bewitching Hour. He’s been a guest on The Dead Hours YouTube show. He also spoke at ParaExperience 2021 at the Biltmore in Tahoe, NV.

Why is this crappy old recorder so good for ghost hunting?

The Panasonic DR60 is an old, glitchy audio recorder that is no longer in production because it basically sucks. And yet, Eric credits some of his ghost hunting success to owning most of the Panasonic DR60s still in existence. Apparently, ghost hunters will pay thousands for these recorders any time one pops up on ebay. They owe their usefulness to the same quality that made them fall out of mainstream favor: they often pick up strange sounds that nobody heard in real time. Hmmm…sounds familiar.

No language barrier for spirits

As a regular contributor on Univision, the biggest Spanish-language televsion channel in the US, Eric is at least somewhat bilingual. But the ghosts speak to him in English. He has enough experience with EVPs, spirit boxes, and oviluses (ovili?) to confidently say that spirits will use the language of the investigator to communicate. This despite all evidence suggesting that the deceased never spoke that language. We’re thrilled to hear this, as we believe it finally settles Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous debate over faked spiritualism. Well, we’re mostly just excited about what this means for our goal of a haunted world tour someday.

Haunted museums

There are a lot of haunted museums in Florida! Eric talks about the Gold Coast Railroad Museum, which apparently has a haunted blimp hangar, whaaa?! War Party Paranormal also investigated at the 1911 Old Davie Schoolhouse Museum. And next time you’re in South Florida, so can you, through Ghostly Experiences, Inc.

Until next time, have a spooky day!


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