Diana’s Post Halloween Paranormal Experience
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Becky and Diana discuss their Halloween trip to Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, then Diana shares a fresh personal experience that might have been paranormal…what do you think?
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Episode Summary About A Halloween Paranormal Experience
It’s common to feel alone in this world, especially when we’re going through periods of stress. But, if we get a little heads up that someone is watching us–someone who’s probably dead–is that comforting, or frightening?
Today, Diana relays a story of something that reached out to her in a way she couldn’t ignore. Have you ever had something like this happen to you? Listen and find out, today, on Homespun Haints.
Eastern State Penitentiary
We had such a fabulous evening at ESP! Not only did we get to tour a haunted jail, at times being nearly alone in very dark, crumbling cell block corridors, but we got to do so while also enjoying 5 well-assembled haunted house attractions. The haunted houses were set up within the cellblocks themselves. Do you understand the implications of this combination? A (fake) haunted house within a (real) haunted prison? The meta-scares were phenomenal.
On the downside, the prison grounds were probably too crowded with tourists and Halloween revelers to experience any real paranormal activity. We’ll have to go back some time when the grounds are less crowded, and see if we can feel anything significant. As it stands, the main thing we felt was entertained. Halloween Nights at ESP was a can’t-miss experience, paranormal or otherwise! Stay tuned for our review of their Hospital Wing Flashlight Ghost Tour, coming soon.
Healing Crystals
Here are the stones that make up Diana’s slightly paranormal Initiate Healthy Success bracelet, and what the crystal shop handout had to say about their meaning.
Chrysoprase: balances all life energies, Aids joyfulness, boosts business and success, alleviates fears and heart blockages.
Jade: self-reliance, improves life circumstances, activates connections to Divine, prosperity, abundance, luck, unconditional love, ancestor support.
Serpentine: Aids spiritual growth and understanding, boosts all healings, brings earth devic contact, general wellness.

She purchased the bracelet from one of her favorite crystal shops, called Crystal Waters Gallery in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, high up in the Ozarks. Check out their website or swing by if you’re ever on vacation there, and go buy yerself somethin’ nice. They won’t complain if you’re there for 45 minutes trying on every bracelet in the shop. Ask me how I know. 😉
Seeing Auras
Becky says Diana’s aura is yellow-green today. Ella the cat’s is blue. Becky explains her ability to see people’s auras as part of her synesthesia. But do inanimate objects have auras? Diana thinks she can sometimes see something that might be an aura around some items and people, using the method described in The Celestine Prophecy.
But the golden aura Diana saw around her bracelet, what was that all about? When she saw the glow, she immediately interpreted it as a supernatural occurrence, rather than a visual phenomenon. And, when she received the subsequent message, it was so clear that she couldn’t ignore it. But was it a paranormal experience; a real ancestral message coming through right after Halloween, while the veil is thinnest? Or was it a knee-jerk reaction to a negative thought, based on the habit she’s been building using the bracelet as a reminder? In either case, that must mean the bracelet is serving its intended purpose.
Ancestor Communication
Our culture isn’t really that focused on direct ancestor worship, here in the Southern United States. Many of us participate in rituals designed to honor our deceased ancestors. Some of us try to contact them through mediums or seances. It seems rare, however, for us to casually discuss direct supernatural messages we believe are from our ancestors. Why do you think that is? If you have a story about a message from a deceased ancestor, you should apply to tell it on the show, and you could be the next guest on Homespun Haints. Wouldn’t that be a spooky day?!