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Aurorah never knew what to expect when she got home from school. Having a father who was a psychic medium meant her day might be disrupted by an impromptu drum circle or a house cleansing. However, it also meant she learned from a young age how to interact with the energy around her. Now, as an adult and a professional astrologer, she taps into her intuition to help her guide her clients through the currents and obstacles that the energy from the heavens provide. And that intuition has also pushed some spooky encounters into her life. Today, we’ll hear about her unique astrology business, and all the change it’s brought about in her life.

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About the Guest: Aurorah

Aurorah is the astrologer behind Blood Moon Milk Astrology. She specializes in Western Hellenistic Astrology. In addition to private astrological consulting, Aurorah writes a daily horoscope newsletter. It’s perfect for those who aren’t quite ready to invest in a completely personalized astrology reading. Do keep in mind, however, that a reading based on your chart will be significantly more useful to you. Aurorah’s astrology clients include heads of hospitals and CEOs of international corporations, not just us woo folks.

She recently started an astrology podcast, which broadcasts on Soundcloud and YouTube. For quick bite-sized astrology info, check her out on TikTok or IG.

Newspaper Column Horoscopes Give Astrology a Bad Name

It’s the right time to apply for that new job Aquarius, but watch out if you leave the house on Thursday! Have you ever read a magazine horoscope and thought, “this is ridiculous. How can 1 out of 12 people on the planet stay home on Thursday?” Turns out, you’re quite right to be skeptical of generic horoscopes. Does that mean you should apply that lens to all astrology?

There’s a vast ocean of information missing from the average horoscope. The astrologer herself tells us that generic horoscopes—based exclusively on your “sun sign”—can only be even a little bit accurate if your rising sign is the same as your sun sign. Which it isn’t for the vast majority of people.

Does Astrology Change With Knowledge?

Aurorah told us that the first archaeological evidence of humans practicing astrology dates back to 600AD. It only fell out of favor in Western society in the 1800’s, when physics took the forefront in how we interpret the universe. We know so much more about the deeper nature of things than we did in 600AD. Did the new knowledge change how we interpret astrological happenings?

Not to mention, even the physical position of the planets relative to Earth has changed over such a long time period. We’ve already covered the various arguments for and against the thirteenth sign last time we interviewed a professional astrologer. Aside from that debate, we thought astrological things were pretty much set in stone all this time.

Turns out, that’s just another misconception about astrology. The zodiac signs and their time of year don’t change, despite changes in the physical universe. Mainly because 1400 years of study and observation have indicated that the changing planetary alignment doesn’t really change the nature of how the signs are used for divination.

How Has Astrology Changed Over Time?

That doesn’t mean everything has stayed the same. Astrology has changed many times over the course of technological development. In 600 AD, astrologers could only take into account those astral bodies that were visible to the naked eye. As telescopes brought the galaxy into focus, more stars joined the closer ones in astrological charts.

Aurorah told us that comets have been added to the astrological interpretative process. This is important, as they weren’t added arbitrarily, but actually have had an observable correlation with certain events in our lives and history. It may only be a matter of time until the recently discovered rogue planets make their way into your chart.

Can Astrology Predict Major World Events?

For astrology to be personalized enough to be accurate, you’d need to have a full chart drawn and interpret that data in light of what the heavenly bodies are up to at the moment. There are, however, patterns of worldwide events that correlate with the alignment of the planets. For example, Aurorah told us that, in Spring of 2025, Neptune will move into Pisces for the first time in many decades. Who cares? Well, maybe everybody should; the last time this happened was at the start of the American Civil War.

Do Comets Bring Plagues?

This theory that Aurorah introduced us to is not just an astrological theory. While still speculative, there is actual research being done in an attempt to provide evidence that viruses and bacteria might fall to earth from space dust.

Becky and Diana plan to talk more about this hypothesis in an upcoming episode you can find on our Patreon.

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography is a form of astrology that involves mapping the planetary influences in a person’s natal chart to specific geographic locations on Earth. The idea is to use the maps to determine how different places might affect various aspects of a person’s life, such as career, relationships, or personal growth.

According to astrocartography, the places where the lines representing the planets intersect or cross specific locations have particular significance or power in the individual’s life. People use astrocartography to choose where to live, travel, or even to find the best places for specific activities.

Time is the only thing we can’t make more of.

What Does Astrology Mean to You?

Does this episode change your opinions on astrology at all? Have you ever had a bizarre experience that correlated eerily with an astrological prediction? Wanna tell it on an episode of Homespun Haints? Submit your story here.

And next time someone asks you what your sign is, you can answer with the caveat that it’s not the same as your rising sign. That’s probably a great conversation starter. Let us know how it goes. Oh, and if you get a reading from Aurorah, let us know how that goes, too! That’s probably a great way to dodge a potentially spooky day.


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