Can ghosts follow you home?
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When you leave the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney, you hear a voice saying “watch out for hitchhiking ghosts!” The voice continues, letting you know a ghost might follow you home. But that’s just fiction, right?
I used to think so, too, until I started hearing first-hand accounts of ghosts following my friends home. It’s a rather frightening prospect, isn’t it? Read on to see if any of these stories we’ve collected make you shiver!
If you believe these stories, you’ll believe ghosts can follow you home, too
D.C. O’Rourke’s miniature poltergeist
On February 1, 2021, we interviewed acclaimed storyteller and paranormal investigator D.C. O’Rourke of Hauntingly Yours: A Podcast for the Paranormal. D.C. told us a spooky story about a child ghost who followed him home from an abandoned building that had served as a school for troubled boys. He knew he wasn’t imagining things when his Mom called him one day at work, saying she had just seen the ghost kill his pet bunny!

Frantz, the Ghost Whisperer
The next story we heard came from my personal friend, Frantz. I’ve known him for years—he’s a down-to-earth Atlanta guy who happens to have “The Gift.” And if you don’t know what that is, I encourage you to watch the 2000 Cate Blanchett movie The Gift—after all, it’s a damn good movie on its own.
Frantz went on the ever-popular and terrifying Roswell Ghost Tour, which, by the way, happens to walk right by my haunted office building. While on the tour, he started talking to a young woman that he thought was on the tour. Turns out, this particular woman had died 150 years ago. Frantz was a little shaken, but brushed the experience off—these sorts of things happened to him. However, when he woke up the next morning, the ghost woman was sitting in his living room. Apparently, she was so excited he could see her that she wanted to be friends. If you want to know what happened next, listen to the full spooky podcast episode.
Brittany, keeping it in the family
Want to hear another story of that suggests ghosts can follow you home? As a child, my cousin Brittany had a very strange encounter with a girl in a white dress. Brittany was in bed in her attic bedroom when she saw a light approaching her from the stairway below. As the light grew closer, Brittany realized the light came from a small, glowing girl in a white dress and bonnet. My cousin closed her eyes tightly, hoping the apparition would go away, but it continued to stare at her and circle around her for hours.
The next weekend, Brittany stayed with her other parent in a house on the other side of town. And around midnight, she saw a light approaching the room she was staying in from the hallway outside. Rounding the corner, the light appeared in her room, and it was the same little girl! If you want to know how she got rid of the ghost, you’ll have to listen to the full ghost story on our podcast.
Why would ghosts follow you home?
We’ve heard all sorts of explanations as to why ghosts can follow you home. Perhaps, as in Frantz’ case, the ghost is lonely and wants a friend. This is one reason to avoid abandoned places if you tend to pick up ghosts! Or maybe the ghost is someone close to you and they are trying to look out for you. Finally, it could be ghosts aren’t following you home at all—you’re just noticing ghosts everywhere you go, making it look like they’re following you when they’re really just going about their ghostly business.
If it’s part of a ghost’s metaphysical nature to be attached to something, that thing doesn’t necessarily have to be a location. We also have heard stories of haunted objects. If it’s part of a ghost’s metaphysical nature to be attached to something, that thing doesn’t necessarily have to be a location. Brittany, for instance, made her husband dispose of an antique sword after the sword’s victim kept taunting her in her sleep. For me personally, I’ve been seeing a lot of activity ever since I brought my family’s ancient china cabinet into my house.
There are so many speculations and theories, but the bottom line is we may never know the answer—at least while we’re still alive. So, in the meantime, watch your back and be wary when you wander into a haunted space. Because, yes, ghosts can follow you home.
Photo by Šimom Caban on Unsplash

3 thoughts on “Can ghosts follow you home?”
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That does not look like a real ghost it looks like a person in a sheet. But I still wouldn’t want to meet them all alone. Have respect for the dead and they will have respect for you.
I encountered a ghost where i work and now i don’t feel like going back to work . I seen a person standing near an office door way . Door was closed too . It had all its hair in the face and small looking person. I got so scared that my body frozed and went numb .. So im never going back again but its my
Just before a day, My teen son went out to meet his friends in the evening. His friends didn’t want to go home early so he said bye and came. It was around 9 pm he called us to pick him as he is new to that place and not sure about the location. My husband and my dad went to pick him. Nite: i always put a candle that is lit always onnthe enterance. That day espically i completely mopped abd cleaned the entrrance and corridor area. They came home. My son always wash his hands when he come back home so doe the others. He changed his cloths as well and sat for dinner. So did my son, he did not have his dinner properly and it took us all late to go to bed. At night i had a dream that felt so real. Like a continuation of the scene when my son came back home. He is sitting in the dinning area.I sensed something is not normal but thought it’s random. I felt some presense in the house and i quickly start to pray and i felt i need to do more prayers to feel protected from it. Then i went to the bedroom and i saw from the window there was a castle like small house. There is a teen girl aged 17 to 19 dressed black and i cannot see her face as she was posing like the all the hair covering her face and she is looking down with both her arms holding a table or armrest of her chair?? Even though she cant see me straight as she is looking down. I can sense her attentionn and concentration is at us…at me…she is very angry and she want to come inside our house. I was calling my husband to come back home early, i needed his help to protect my family from her…i quickly woke up from the nightmare…my heart was racing…1st thing came in my mind was to check with my son if he has walked past any graveyard and also wanted to clense home with my mother. The next day i told my family abt this dream and asked my son if he went past any cemetry…he said No…but then he said …i didn’t but the boys i met were chilling out at the graveyard nearby before i met them…when i reach that area they came to met me at the spot we planned to meet then we went walking around and eat out…then i came home early but they stayed there…the road was complete dark and empty so i called you guys to pick me i stead of waiting for the bus.
My mum immediately said something could have followed him…also my husband said…when he picked our son he smelled a sent like a female perfume…in the air…but no one was around…and it never came from our son…he checled he said…also…that lasted only a few seconds…my husband told me this only after a day….
Is it that, my son was followed by a teen girl ghost???
I assume…because we had this candle lit at the front door and we pray every day at home and i have alter immediatly next to the dinnig area which can be seen from the corridor. The ghost couldn’t come in but she wants to come inside??
This is so weird…note my great grand dad is a exorcist. We do prayerd at home everyday and also we follow the prayers he taught the family to clense the home time to time.