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When Tim’s band gear became possessed by a demon, he knew exactly who to blame. 

In this episode, we crank it up to 11!

Listen to this hilarious story about the time a demon named Dennis possessed an amp right here:

Demonic Music

We’ve discussed several aspects of music that have to do with demonic possession or influence. Here are some of our favorite episodes that meet at the crossroads of demons and music.

TLDR; watch Becky’s short demonstration of the Devil’s interval on YouTube.

Let the music be your master

Becky had the opportunity to see Tim perform and meet Marjorie in person a few months ago in Stockbridge, Georgia.

possessed by a demon
Left to right: Marjorie (from our episode Have You Seen The Hat Man?), Becky (the co-host) and Tim (guest on this episode).

The style of music played was straight out of the early ’80s hardcore punk scene. There were lots of skulls and moshing. It wasn’t demonic music, fortunately, but it almost sent us into a satanic panic…in a good way. Glad I wore earplugs!

Meth Gators

It’s a real thing! And it’s not just in Alabama. Nothing good can come from meth, but when it starts to affect the alligators living in the sewers, things are going to get ugly.

Don’t believe me? Check out this article. Or this one.

Until next time, have a spooky day!


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