The Most Haunted Cemetery In The World
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Have you ever visited Bachelors Grove Cemetery, considered by many to be the most haunted cemetery in America? Today, we go into the history and folklore surrounding this strange location. Next, we discuss our own personal experiences with Chicago’s mobster ghosts, and talk about how the legends have evolved and changed over time.
Would you venture into this cemetery and visit its multiple ghosts? Listen to the episode and decide if it would make a good place for a picnic, or if it’s better to just stay away.
The H Files
Welcome to The H Files. This is a limited-run miniseries where we delve deep into the folklore and science behind ghostly sightings and urban legends. This series began September 1 and will run every other Tuesday until November. First of all, if you would like to discuss anything you hear on the episode, please reach out to us in our Facebook Group or through Instagram. Secondly, if you have something you’d like to contribute to the show, you can always email us at
Episode Summary
Becky lived a few miles away from Bachelors Grove cemetery for 10 years. But she never got the guts to venture into it. Now, she talks about the famous ghosts that inhabit this strange site. Becky also talks about the Chicago ghosts she learned about while living there. Finally, Becky shares with us the deep, unrelenting remorse she feels for never visiting this famous haunted cemetery.

Other Episodes about Bachelors Grove
We discuss Bachelors Grove in several other episodes on this podcast, including this episode about some other haunted cemeteries of Illinois with Abby from Mysteries of the Past and Present.
Phantom Houses?
Phantom houses aren’t as common as haunted places and locations that stay put. If you’d like to learn more about the phantom houses at Bachelors Grove and ghost house legends throughout the world, check out this video by Goblin Kwain.
The Bachelors Grove Cemetery & Settlement Research Center official website
Have you seen the very famous photo of the white lady? She sits on a grave in Bachelors Grove, but was not visible IRL when the photo was taken. This photo even ended up in a reputable Chicago newspaper in 1991. You can view it, along with history of Bachelors Grove, here.
Bachelors Grove has a house that appears and disappears. It also changes shape and location. The house has a glowing blue light on the ground floor, when it has a ground floor. The lore of this strange house is the single reason Becky was too chicken to visit the cemetery as a teenager. Learn more about the haunted cemetery’s disappearing house.
Can two entities meld into one upon death? That is the theory about the two-headed horse man sometimes seen plowing the fields around this haunted cemetery.
Books on Chicago ghosts and Bachelors Grove Cemetery
After you’ve explored the Bachelors Grove website, you might want to delve deeper into Chicago cemeteries and ghosts. We reference several great books in the episode:
- Chicago’s Street Guide to the Supernatural by Richard T. Crowe
- Haunted Bachelors Grove by Ursula Bielski
- Voices from the Chicago Grave by Scott Markus
Until next time, have a spooky day!