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Lindsay Valenty, who just happens to also be a true crime podcaster, shares terrifying, true personal ghost stories from her very haunted childhood.

Listen to part one of the interview here:

Then, catch part two, An Evil Ghost Named John, here:

Personal Ghost Stories from Iowa

Today’s guest grew up in the cornfields of Hornick, Iowa. Yes, the literal, proverbial cornfields. The Job and Sarah’s house scenes of the film Children of the Corn was shot in her hometown back in the ’80s. And the echoes of Hollywood horror tropes didn’t stop there. Just a few years later, young Lindsay encountered just about all the ghosts you’d expect in any scary movie. From a crying ghost bride, to spectral children who just wanted to play with her toys, to a menacing…wait, that’s not a scarecrow!

Personal ghost stories involve creepy fields like this one filled with strange entities
Why is it always a haunted cornfield?

Sponsor Acid Queen Jewelry

Thank you to Acid Queen Jewelry for sponsoring this episode! We love their unique, hand-crafted jewelry featuring motifs from folklore, magic, and, no kidding, BATTLEAXES. Because fine jewelry + deadly weaponry=spooky day attire.

Acid Queen Jewelry discount
Ascension Rings in 14K Gold by Acid Queen Jewelry

Sponsor The Smell of Fear Candles

What do The Smell of Fear candles in the September Meta Horror Madness collection smell like? They are unlike anything you’ve ever smelled before, and they are the perfect gift for your horror movie fanatic friends. TheSmellOfFear.com is where you’ll find them. I’d suggest going to their site just to have a giggle at the names of their candles.

Skull-shaped candle by The Smell of Fear Candle Company

Episode Show Notes about these Personal Ghost Stories

About the Guest, Lindsay Valenty

Lindsay is one of the co-hosts of two paranormal-related podcasts. Pineapple Pizza Podcast was all about urban legends, mythology, and cryptozoology. Ye Olde Crime Podcast is all about pre-1900’s true crime, a surprisingly underserved niche in an extremely popular genre. Both employ a storytelling-plus-comedy format, which means you’ll probably enjoy them if you like our show. But unlike our show, where we try to scare you silly, Lindsay’s show features upbeat music to make the tales of grisly murder go down smooth.

Personal ghost stories from a train station for spirits

The house Lindsay lived in at age 11 seemed to be constantly full of ghosts. But not the same ghosts. Is it possible for a house to function as a thoroughfare for spirits just passing through? Becky made a YouTube video exploring this idea, which also has a cute cat.

One of Lindsay's personal ghost stories involves a crying ghost bride.
One of Lindsay’s personal ghost stories involves a crying ghost bride who appeared in her room at night.

Haunted dolls

Lindsay tells us her many personal childhood haunting stories, including about how a ghost in her attic wanted to play with her Barbie dolls. How come some people love dolls, and others find them horrifying? Sure, maybe dolls can house demons. But also, maybe those demons are just misunderstood. What happens when you befriend a demon-possessed doll? Well, we made another video for just this situation.

Also, for some reason, Becky has started amassing an unintentional collection of haunted dolls. She’s sold some of them on Etsy. Please consider buying Becky’s haunted dolls, she has way too many and she’s too possessed of late to admit she has a problem. If you do, for sure you’ll have a spooky day.


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